Sunday, December 21, 2014

I Don‘t Want To Go To School Video Teaser

Work In Progress!

On Monday I‘ll share a Teaser of the Video of my Song “I Don‘t Want To Go To School“ which is part of the “Sounds Of My Room“ EP.

It was very funny to work for this Video, to make the puppets and to give them Life like an old Geppetto :D

The good and special thing of this song is that you can interpret it in many ways and all would fit in, at simple view, it is the true story of a rebel student, but I had one thing in mind when I wrote it... And someone has already deciphered part of the meaning I wanted to give to the song and I was really Happy to hear it from him!
After I release the EP, you‘ll meet the new characters and I‘ll write a short review of who they are.

“Sounds Of My Room“ EP is coming to town!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Everything has a Beginning

Cause everything has a beginning and it was a long time ago...! 
And now I know...
Why did I fall into the black hole...
And I'm just happy to have found the people that I met.
But I'm not there yet...
Not yet...!
But of one thing I'm sure...
This was and is my cure!

Cause I'll keep singing and I'll keep dreaming! 

What a year!  Danke Schön Bamberg!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Set Fire To The Club

You don‘t become someone...
From one day to another...
Do you want to have something to tell?
Do you want to remain forever?
Go out there and dare great!
Go out there now! Before it is too late!

This is what I mean by "Set Fire To The Club"! 
This is how you create a story!
This is Rock'n Roll! You Wimps!

We don't need no water...!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sounds Of My Room

My first Extended Play...
Will be out!
And it is for you...! (Like Bane said!)

That means it will be FREE!
My Songs are getting ready to take off and you will be the first ones that will listen and have them. Every Song I write is like a Son for me, I love everyone of them, they all have something special, a story, a reason to be, they are not a product, they have Life, a Voice, a Message!
But like a child, I have to let them go before they become older... And that‘s why...!

“Sounds Of My Room“ is my first EP, full of Colours, Energy, Happiness, Love and Motivation with topics inside of it like the introduction of Billy “The Rebel“.

The purpose of this first EP is to mark the beginning of a whole Music Universe that will expand...!
And you will be able to follow the development from the first steps like saying... It all started in a Room.

So... That said...!
Welcome To My World!

Release Date: Jan 6, 2015

It will be on Youtube and you can download it for FREE on Soundcloud and Bandcamp!

As I already mentioned, some of the Songs will be part of my first Album, so start knowing them!

For Peace, Happiness and Freedom! Share The Love!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Introducing Billy “The Rebel“

This time the blog takes a turn to something new...

Now... Let me introduce you to Billy “The Rebel“, the denial of a good example or a positive influence.

He is the Ego himself... He represents a young mind full of energy and blind pride with anarchic thoughts against authority. Sarcasm is his favourite weapon and for him nothing can go wrong... It is all about winning and winning, but not that kind of winning... I don‘t mean empty trophies or plastic human recognitions but winning in Life in his own Way...! 

If something goes wrong he will repair it with his typical... “Who cares?“ or “I don‘t give a damn about my reputation, I‘m being myself“! The presence of irony in everything what he does or says does not go unnoticed, it is like, for him Life is a big irony, full of hard roads, disappointments and thus he only wants to make fun of it and survive... He is laughing most of the time, and never puts effort in anything, and still he “Wins“! (What an arrogant Boy)!

Billy still goes to school and therefore he is going through this teenager stage where he rules the world. He is the headache of many teachers and for some of the students he is the classic douchebag of the class, sooner or later he will get into trouble, but as already said, he doesn‘t care about it. For others he is the soul of entertainment, he is the one that makes everything funny, full of Life and colours and you cannot have a bad time with him, at least if you are not “Winston“, if you have seen the movie “Dodgeball“ you will know what I mean. 

But something interesting about Billy is that no matter what he has done, he will be always willing to take the consequences, because after all he is not a liar or a coward, he is just having fun... He‘s still young and that is what a young soul does...!

Call him immature and he will respond that he is living his Life and he knows where he goes...! At the end he is someone full of surprises, you don‘t know what he is going to do next, but he definitely will do something and it is going to be great! 

And remember... Hey Mother... Tell your children (“The Animals“), not to do what Billy “The Rebel“ has done... He is only going to have fun in his own way...! (And maybe someday he will learn...)

(Love him or Hate him... He won‘t care about it)
The truth is... There will be always some who will love you and others that will hate what you do... So...

Billy is going to have a role in my first EP...!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Until My Windows Close In Black

Ask me and I'll give you answers...
At this point nothing else matters...
There is not turning back...
Until my windows close in black...

In time you'll see...
This other part of me...

But not yet... Not yet...!

Mike Alpha Sierra Kilo Sierra...

The Good Earth Is Not Lost

It is all about to be an individual and not a part of the masses...! 
That is my wish for all those who dare to dream! 
That is my wish for every human being...! 
This good earth needs more individuals not more machines...! 
People with own ideas, people who raise their voices, people who make their own choices, people who don't let their spirit grow old, people who make a better world...! 
The dust will return to dust, and I hope we do what we must...! 
This good earth is not totally lost! 

But yeah...! What do I know?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

There Is No Turning Back

About decisions and other things...
I will be here to share information of underground gigs, new materials etc...!
I have the feeling I‘m gonna hit the road in some near future...!
I will introduce to anyone who is more interested on my music a part of what is behind it...

My first materials will come chronologically in disorder, it will be a maze that finally will tell an entire story when the time comes to record an album as the final result!

But in order to make a path to the album I will share my development before, so you can see how did I grow up... Which were my first steps, failures and struggles until I reach one of my first goals, which at the end makes me treat both, Failure and Success, in the same way, because that is Life. It is a wave that goes up and down, up and down... And you have to enjoy the Ride...!

From Ego, Arrogance, Anarchic Thoughts (School Time, Young Mind, Blind Pride)... And then a Fall, and a new beginning with new perspectives...! It is a disorder, but in time the story will make more sense...! It is a puzzle that will someday be completed!

It is also to know that this thing is not only about me, it is also about us, with my music I want to communicate that you have the potencial to do great things, you have the power to reach what you want, to go down in history. In the era of communication and technology, now is the time to become what we never imagined we could become. Everything is moving fast and every day we grow up like never before.

I also want you to seize every moment you can and leave footsteps on the ground. So whenever the next generations look back they may say we finally stopped the madness of killing our own existence, because if we don‘t make something now, well maybe there won‘t be more generations, so this has to be a “Generation of Gold“.

I might not be a part of the most talented, but I would die for my beliefs and ideals... In this moment more than ever, the world needs Love. It is to remind that reaching the goal of this first path will take its time, it is not something of overnight, but I hope it will be a good piece at the end...!

After being in the world of the non-sane I‘m convinced there is no turning back on my way!

I‘ll sing for Peace, Happiness and Freedom! Share the Love!

(Alter-Egos that may appear on the Road... Well... Somehow since I have memory I have had this young “...“ that won‘t disappear... I tried... But is a part of me... And sometimes I like what he can do... And yeah... He needs to have his space too!)